Saturday, October 3, 2009

anti digital??? bad to digital

am i anti digital item ???? i dunno...
my phone cannot use rite now..
i just want to reveal here that i cant stand with all the things that related with digital..

seriously..the things happen repeatably to me..
i dunno whether this is about my careless, or all about myself dunno anything bout digital item or this is the fate to me????

let me tell u the camera, my lappy, my phone was the victims that cause by me..
gile kejam...

firstly my samsung camera... i bring along together during my plkn kat semenyih..
after perform solat maghrib i got a phone called from my chinese friend which is chan.
he said to me that my camera LCD was cracked..
i was " Wat the heeellllllllllll?????? "
i dunno wat to do n just let it the camera like that until now....
i just keep it.. i try already to send it to the shop but the shop could'nt make it....
that was my first experience with digital thingy...

secondly my lappy...lagi dahsyat...
my lappy going through with the same thing as my camera..
lcd cracked!!!!! cukup benci...
it cost me around rm 1000 sumthing ayat mcm slah bukan cost me it cost my father.. yang bayar k...

bukan tuh jer...
my lappy charger pon i bleh masuk yg ke dua..
ape nak jd pon tak tau...the original one my adik terlaggar then trus tak edop..
then bli yg universal charger..
im use it around a few month then rosak gak....
the second one lak still can use tapi mcm nak tunjuk sign2 tak leh pakai...

the third one phone...
pasal phone lagila...
bertukar2 phone dr dulu..
dr nokia ke samsung, dr samsung ke sony ericsson plak...
pasni tak taula ape lg..
n rite now my phone tak eh pakai..
terpakse la gune iffan punyer phone....
actually td ptg g pasar..
then ujan lebat n redah jer..
phone kat poket pon turut serta membasah bersama..

k la gtg..
nedd to do assignment..
take care people


ieqa zm said...

ko mmg ada bad luck with gadgets kot mike.haha.kesian ko :P

Ikmal Arif Azami said...

tau tak per..