Tuesday, March 31, 2009


last 2 week my parents came to Penang..
on Friday they took me to Perak
becoz on the next day my father got kursus..
so on that day me n my family tido kat Bukit Merah..
TAK MANDI PON kat Bukit Merah tuh...

on Saturday lepas kursus terus p Pulau....
check in hotel kat Paradise...
nothing to do on that day...

on Sunday just p Butterfly park jer..
dlm pkul 4 parent anta i blek ke umah sewa..
then diorg straight away terus blek ker selangor..

ni gambar2 kat butterfly park..
gambar2 bongek..
ak conquer keadaan..

serangan oleh "BLACK BIG BUG"

himpunan pokok periuk kera..

siblings and also my cousin in the middle..